St Nicholas Church
Fore Street
This event takes place between 12-14 December
The magnificent Christmas Tree Festival at St Nicholas Church, Topsham. Free admission, but all donations to DAAT. Tea and coffee available.
- On 14th December The Christmas Concert at St Nicholas Priory, Topsham will take place at 7pm – donation on exit.
- Story time for under 5s will take place on Friday 13th December at 10.30am.
- Trees are supplied and decorated by local groups, societies and businesses.
- This special evening concert includes music and a special Charles Dickens reading from the manager of the Topsham Vintage and Variety Devon Air Ambulance Shop! Donations to Devon Air Ambulance.
- Refreshments by St Nocholas Church
The festival runs between 10am-5pm, 12th-14th December