107 Armada Way
what3words location:
Vanessa Hawken
Assistant manager(s):
Kathy Ball, Tess Patterson
Plymouth Armada is always shipshape
Our Plymouth charity shop is the shop that’s furthest to the southwest of the county. Popular with visitors to the region, Plymouth presents great shopping opportunities in its buzzing centre, but the charity shops are also very well stocked and supported by local donations.
Pop in to say hello to our friendly team, have a browse or donate your pre-loved items to us!
Donating to our shop
We welcome your pre-loved items! Drop items into our Armada Way shop and we will work hard to make sure your donations find the right space to make the most of it. Stock is turned over regularly so we welcome regular support and donations.
At our Armada Way charity shop we are always on the look out for clothing, accessories, books, toys, DVDs and CDs, bric-a-brac and other pre-loved items.