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Press room

A place for media outlets to find details relevant to current and recent stories.

We recognise that having access to the most up-to-date information is crucial for the journalists and reporters who share our stories.

Below, you will find our latest press releases, along with suitable images and video/audio clips to assist you in crafting a news piece about the latest developments at Devon Air Ambulance.

Please note: We cannot provide details about live incidents as they unfold. Our HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) desk compiles reports at midday, early evening, and after night operations conclude in the early hours.

For incident information or story requests, please contact our Communications & Marketing Team at [email protected], available from 9 am to 5 pm. If you have a photograph of our emergency vehicles in action that you’d like to share, we welcome your submissions at the same email address.

Useful links

Press releases

Please contact us for raw files if video file link is shown. Press releases go back no further than 4 months.

Exeter Round Table and Devon Air Ambulance team with £100k cheque

Exeter Round Table celebrates £100k of DAA support

Face Day 2024

DAA is new Charity Partner for Exeter Racecourse

Crediton charity shop opening

New Crediton charity shop to open

DAA Medi-Connect Conference

DAA Medi-Connect Conference 2024 focuses on rural responding

Bake Off for Take Off

Bake Off for Take Off is a year-round event

GDAAS aircraft

W3W The app that everyone is downloading

Interior of DAA charity shops

Barnstaple Community Hub scoops retail award

The Crew's Brew team with Jess one of our paramedics

Devon Air Ambulance’s Crew’s Brew coffee scoops Gold Award.

Sam and his family

Heart Rhythm Week