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The lifesaving impact of our Volunteer Responder Scheme

News - 3 November 2023
Volunteer Responders

Following the launch of the Volunteer Responder Scheme (VRS) earlier this year clinicians have already responded to over 40 cases and made a lifesaving difference.

In May 2022, Devon Air Ambulance introduced a scheme where a number of the clinical team could volunteer a proportion of their time to the enhanced and critical care needs of the people of Devon.

This became known as the Volunteer Responder Scheme. It became immediately apparent that the development of the role required significant planning and preparation. It was essential that the model, which was originally set up as a twelve-month pilot, was able to demonstrate rigid compliance with governance structures, whilst also proving to be of benefit to our patients.  

There are three main occasions when a volunteer responder may be dispatched: 

  1. the responder is much closer than another enhanced or critical care resource, or 
  1. no other enhanced or critical care resource is available, or 
  1. the scale of the incident suggests that additional enhanced or critical care resources are required. 

Off duty but always prepared

Advanced Paramedic in Critical Care, Lee Hilton, was instrumental in setting up the initiative where he and two other colleagues volunteer to support core emergency services across Devon. 

The initiative meant that Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) dispatchers can now draw upon off-duty highly skilled air ambulance clinicians to be the first responders to an emergency they are local to. 

The Volunteer Responders use their own vehicles, which means they need to acquire appropriate insurance, together with ensuring their vehicles are fully serviceable and fit for the purpose of their intended use.  

In addition, volunteers need to be able to reach the scene safely, which requires blue lights and sirens. It costs approximately £5,500 to fully equip one of our volunteers with everything they need to reach and treat patients, and Devon Air Ambulance supporters have so far enabled the charity to fund this kit.  

Advanced Paramedic in Critical Care Lee Hilton, who set up the scheme, says:  

We are incredibly proud to be one of just a few air ambulances to launch a scheme of this type and are pleased to be able to report some positive results on the lifesaving difference Volunteer Responders are making to local communities in Devon. 

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The impact of the scheme (end of 2024)

Now, over two years on, the benefits that the Volunteer Responder Scheme offers our patients continues. We are lucky enough to have increased our volunteer number to five. All members are critical care paramedics, employed by Devon Air Ambulance.

As a team of volunteers we have responded to 194 incidents, treating 135 patients in total. Of these patients treated, the Volunteer Responder Scheme was the only enhanced care resource at 82 of these cases. This means that we have been able to offer care to an additional 82 patients that otherwise would not have been supported by Devon Air Ambulance. This is so important when we consider the rural geography of Devon and the need to reach as many patients who require our care as possible. 

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