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Getting on board for Project Edward

News - 9 September 2019 (This article is over two years old - content correct at date of publication)
DAA H145 aircraft on scene with partner agencies

European Day Without A Road Death (Project EDWARD) is a Europe-wide awareness-raising project supported by drivers across the continent that aims to spearhead significant and sustained reduction in death and serious injury on roads across the world.

Of the 49% of trauma incidents (51% medical) Devon Air Ambulance attended in 2018, 238 were road traffic collisions. 

More broadly, provisional Government statistics on reported road casualties in Great Britain for the year ending June 2018 shows there were 1,770 reported road deaths, and 26,610 people killed or seriously injured.

Launched in 2016, Project EDWARD (European Day Without A Road Death) is supported by drivers across the continent. This year’s day of action is Thursday 26 September. Of the project, Nigel Lang, Devon Air Ambulance Research Lead Paramedic said:

All too often, we see the devastating effects of serious road traffic collisions, therefore Devon Air Ambulance are fully behind Project Edward, just as we are behind other valuable road safety initiatives: #Learn2Live, #TheHonestTruth, #MyRedThumb.

The long-term aim of the project is to spearhead significant and sustained reduction in death and serious injury on roads across the world.

Taking the Road Safety Pledge

Driversacross Europe are pledging to commit to the following:

  • Remind my family, friends and colleagues to take extra care on the roads.
  • Put my lights on for safety.
  • Drive as safely as I can and follow the rules when behind the wheel or riding a motorbike or bicycle.
  • Be extra vigilant and attentive to the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, children, older people and horse riders.
  • Drive at speeds that are both legal and safe.
  • Carry out proper safety checks on my tyres.
  • Pay particular attention when driving near schools, and where there are lots of children.
  • Never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines that could impair safety.
  • Look as far ahead as possible and not tailgate other drivers
  • Always wear my seat belt and ensure that everyone with me wears theirs.
  • Not use my mobile phone while driving.
  • Ensuring I am not distracted by anything inside or outside the car, or inside my head.
  • Set a good example to my passengers by driving calmly and safely.
  • If I’m a passenger, make sure that the driver is fit and legal to drive

How is the project being supported

There are 31 European countries taking part this year. Much of the activity takes place over social media, with messaging being supported by the hashtag @projectEdward. 

Sharing posts by the project as well as by police teams, road safety partners and everyday road users by tagging #ProjectEDWARD, and liking and sharing posts alongside your own message of support, will help the messaging and the pledge to reach more people.

European Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said on last year’s awareness day:

Today we are reminded that we need to step up efforts to achieve a European Day Without a Road Death. Only by working together we will be able to combine real awareness with effective enforcement measures, and make a difference on European roads. Stagnation is not an option. Let’s keep shooting for 


TISPOL General Secretary Ruth Purdie also commented:

We firmly believe that if each road user can make small changes to reduce risk, then together we can make some big improvements – and reduce the number of people who die or are seriously injured on Europe’s roads.

With Project EDWARD we have a great resource to motivate road users to reduce risks and improve safety while driving, riding, walking or cycling. A day without a road death should be our goal every day […]

Find out more about Project Edward and how to support the campaign.

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