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Former patient shares her social skills

Patient stories
Sunset with tail of aircraft

Following a fall from her horse, Julie Hawker lent her skills to DAA. Here's her account of how she chose to support us early on.

This article relates 20 2013. Julie Hawker became a DAA Trustee following her early support for the charity having been a patient.

It was my absolute privilege to spend the day with the DAAT staff team last week (2013) to provide them with a workshop on using Facebook to bring even more support and encouragement to their brilliant work. We had a really good day going over the features of the social network, how to make the most of time spent communicating and connecting with others, and of course, how we can develop DAAT pages, groups and campaigns further in the months ahead. Some of the team were a bit reluctant about it at first, while others had only used the Facebook for purely social purposes, but by the end of the session we each had a real enthusiasm for how it can be put to effective use to support the Trust.

If you are a regular Facebooker then make sure you ‘like’ the Devon Air Ambulance page to get the latest updates, features, news and photos.

I initiated the workshop as part of my return to action and to give back to the charity that rescued me in August of last year (2012). I am now up-and-about a bit more, able to spend most days in the office, and even though transport and mobility is a challenge with the x-fix frame on my leg, I am able to get to Exeter thanks to colleagues at Cosmic and their support for this work.

And also last week I was able to present to a wonderful ladies networking evening at the Exeter Golf and Country Club courtesy of Old Mill Accounting and it was a further opportunity to explain to business women in the room that – “It Could be You!”. None of us knows when we might need to be rescued, and we really do need to keep offering the team at DAAT as much support as we can to keep this service effective and successful.

The recovery process after the accident and having broken my leg so badly is proving slow and frustrating, but its been highly motivating for me to be able to offer support to the DAAT team, and they’ve given me plenty of added inspiration for the months ahead when I hope to be able to offer plenty more support, ideas and encouragement to their work.

If you, or someone you know is a former patient who would like to share your story with us then you are helping to get our message out there to potential supporters.

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